Our Services
We transform businesses with cutting edge solutions
through culture and diversity lens.
We work with small to medium enterprises in the following areas:
- Processes Improvement
- Culture & Diversity in the workplace
- Languages of Appreciation
Our unique, practical, positive research based methodology focuses on real-life scenarios, bringing relevant experiences to life for you and your team . Our programs take you on journey from identifying the current landscape of the business case of diversity in your organization to the Inclusion Imperative, lastly creating a sustainable inclusion framework.
Diversity is about the unique qualities, dimensions and characteristics of individuals. Inclusion is about creating a collaborative, supportive, and respectful workplace for everyone regardless of their ethnicity, gender, background, religion or perspectives.
SBCG provides professional women of colour with practical tools and knowledge to effectively serve as directors on Boards. Companies can tap into our extensive ‘board ready’ women of color database to fulfil their board roles. SBCG is the conduit between professionals and organizations wanting to strengthen their boardrooms with diversified voices.
About Us
Diversity and inclusion conversations have always provoked strong reactions and unfortunately, these negative reactions still exist in many organizations. After years of doing D & I assessments for organizations without seeing any progress, we decided to take the transformational approach. Our approach requires self and organizational reflection. It requires the stakeholders to align the business case of D & I to their strategy and purpose.

Trish Mandewo
Chief Diversity Officer & Founder
Our founder Trish Mandewo has deep rooted interest in knowledge sharing and passion for social change. She incorporates years of practical knowledge, leadership and storytelling into her workshops and speeches. Read more about Trish on LinkedIn
Our Values
We believe in a diverse range of personnel to bring
creative skills, thoughts, and ideas.
We connect at a personal level.
Welcoming, hospitable, warm, generous and willing to share.
We show respect we expect to receive.
Ubuntu D & I Program
Ubuntu Diversity
Ubuntu Diversity
Having an inclusive workplace is one thing, sustaining it requires efforts. We help you create an inclusive workplace which embraces the diversity of backgrounds.
Diversity is good for your bottom line, is it working for or against you? Our Ubuntu in a box program provides an assessment tool complete with a report.
Managing Gender Complexities
Managing Gender Complexities
Time is now to change the conversation and practices around empowering & management of gender in the workforce.
The societal shift from the “Me Too” movement has given the opportunity to focus on the benefits of diversified leadership and leading Women.
Ubuntu Biz Effectiveness
Ubuntu Biz Effectiveness
Our process improvement program helps organizations reach strategic goals and offer quality services.
We help small to medium businesses build a customer-centric system that stems from a customer-centric culture made out of diversified teams and leaders
Ubuntu Cultural Program
Ubuntu Cultural Program
Good culture promotes productivity, engagement, retention, employee wellbeing and client health outcomes.
The Ubuntu R.E.A.L guiding principals will help you edge forward by measuring your current state, analyzing it, reporting and activating the changes.
How We Get It Done
The Ubuntu StratEdge way
Get connected
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- 2755 Lougheed Hwy #117, Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 5Y9
- info@ubuntustratedge.com
- (1) 604-726-0856